Starting Solids

This 2 day workshop is available both Inperson as well as online. We try to do these in small batches to ensure a good amount of discussion .

अन्नप्राशन – Raising Healthy eaters!

When we talk about introducing semi solids to the babies, two most significant things are

  • What is offered
  • And how is it offered

It determines the lifelong health of the baby because “we are what we eat!” You might have noticed that you crave for certain foods/drinks when you are stressed/ tired/ extremely hungry? Have you ever thought the reason behind it? The way a baby is introduced to food will determine his/her relationship with food.


As a Paediatrician and an IYCF Counselor often parents come to me, at their wits end because they are apparently doing everything right but still their child refuses to eat or is a picky eater and more often that not its the simplest of things that have been overlooked or misunderstood , a few times it can be big things too but mostly its simpler things…..that we discuss and then try and correct them……..but till then lots of trauma, frustration and stress has already happened to the entire family because of this. Often our kids are the innocent victims of our own conditioning and unknowingly we end up causing more harm than benefit.

Have you ever thought about your relationship and ideologies about food? Mostly you get conditioned by a few factors like:

1 How you were fed food in your childhood (ie depends on food ideologies of your parents)

2 The country/ community you live in, the food culture there.

3 The marketing strategies of the businesses around you.

How does one know what is right and what is wrong? Is knowledge about what to offer sufficient?

Is the food ideology that you are practising scientific or is it because its the only thing that you know? Are elders always right? If something worked for your friend’s / sister’s child, will it work for yours?Is your way of offering food stressing you or your child?


Contents & Topics of the अन्नप्राशन Classes

As parents, we want to give the best possible nutrition to our child , so when the time to start solids for our child comes, we read up a lot, prepare a lot, at times buy lots of stuff etc but many times small practical challenges and questions confuse us. For example……

  1. When to start solids….the optimum age ?
  2. What to give?
  3. How to give? Should you follow Parent Led Or Baby Led?
  4. How much to give? Is there a recommended range? What to do if my baby is not eating much?
  5. Is salt sugar ok?
  6. My child refuses to eat / doesn’t eat much should I force / coax?
  7. Should I breastfeed before or after food?
  8. My parents/partner and I have different ideologies about to resolve conflict?
  9. My child is not gaining weight/over-weight?
  10. What foods should be avoided?
  11. How to inculcate good feeding behaviour?
  12. Your baby’ s oral hygiene?
  13. What about the potty ….changes that are expected when starting solids?
  14. What is mindful eating? What’s Mindful actually ?
  15. What about canned / ready to eat foods?
  16. What my baby eats , does it affect his immunity?
  17. Understanding child psychology? Does it have anything to do with how we offer food?
  18. Infant sleep patterns and how food affects it?
  19. What about feeding bottles, why are they not recommended?
  20. What about Health drinks and juices?
  21. And much more!

Who all can benefit from अन्नप्राशन Classes

These classes are beneficial for

  1. Families planning to start semisolids for their babies.
  2. Families working on introducing semisolids for their babies.
  3. Families struggling with picky eating.
  4. Families struggling with growth challenges due to eating challenges

It is best if you attend these sessions before your baby turns 6 months BUT even if you have already started semi solids for your baby, this will be a beneficial workshop for you.

The Classes comprise of 2 sessions of 1.5 hrs each, with maximum of 5 families per session. We recommend you do it with all members of the family who are involved with the child. Both days we keep ample time for your queries and you will receive handouts of the topics covered on your registered email after the sessions.

Schedule of Classes

अन्नप्राशन Classes are conducted Monthly on 3rd weekend ( Saturday and Sunday) of each month. Number of participants is limited to FIVE only to have a good lively discussion and to answer your maximum queries.Seats are offered on a first come first serve basis.

How to Enrol for अन्नप्राशन Classes ?

The Enrolment fees for a Single Session on Day 1 is INR 1699/-

When you Enrol for both the sessions together( DAY 1 + DAY 2 ) the enrolment fee is INR 3000/-

Click the BOOK NOW button below to make a payment. You will be directed to PayUmoney gateway and will need to submit your mobile number at time of payment. After a successful payment, PayUmoney will send a ref no to the mobile number on SMS from PAYUMN. Note down this Reference number as this will be needed while submitting the registration form for completing your enrolment. After submission of Payment and registration form, you shall be assigned the earliest available spot in the workshop on a first come first serve basis.

If you are not comfortable with the date allotted to you, you have the option to cancel or reschedule it ,with full refund till 24 hours before the session .

Know more about Dr Shacchee Baweja

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